Innovative Solutions

By-Pass Excess Regrind with a LIFO System.

By-pass excess regrind with a LIFO System.

Do you have jobs when you cannot run all of the regrind you produce? Do you have jobs with dried material you want to return to the process without re-drying? The LIFO Grinder Unloading system solves both problems. By-pass excess regrind into a collection container. Regrind is returned to the process in less than 2 minutes before it can regain moisture. The last material ground is the first returned to the process.

Empty grinders do not clog.

Grinders are emptied every two minutes.

PLC control

The PLC-based control automatically cycles the unloader and operates the isolation valve.

By-pass excess regrind.

Regrind that is not consumed by the loading system is by-passed to the storage container.

No moisture re-gain

Regrind is returned to the process in as little as two minutes before it can regain moisture.

LIFO System, Features

8 port venturi

8 Port venturi


Regrind isolation valve

RemoteVac vacuum loader control

PLC control with plain English display.

Granulator regrind by-pass system

Clamp-on acess

Compressed air venturi loader for plastics sight-glass

High visibility, sight-glass

vacuum take-off

Vacuum or venturi, take-off

Compressed air venturi loader for plastics sensor holder

Food-grade stainless steel

Granulator unloaders, Large filter

Large cartridge filter

LIFO Grinder Unloaders, Options

Compressed air venturi loader for plastics advanced control

Control, with integrated loader

Compressed air venturi loader for plastics sight-glass

Sight-glasses to match your application

Granulator regrind by-pass system

Floor stand with casters

LIFO Loaders for Feeders and Blenders

LIFO Hopper Loader

A simple system to load feeders and blenders and by-pass excess regrind

Do you want to load a blender from a grinder but you can not run all of the regrind you are producing? Do you want to keep your regrind dry, so you don't have to run it through a dryer? The LIFO hopper loader is your solution. It will keep your grinder empty, by-passing excess regrind into a container and return it to the process before it regains moisture.

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Advanced Auxiliary Equipment, Inc.

PO Box 398
116 Bohannon Park
Shacklefords, VA 23156

Donald Rainville

Donald Rainville, Founder

Advanced Auxiliary Equipment is a manufacturer of quality pneumatic conveying, blending, and destoning equipment for the Chemical, Food, and Plastics industry. Our manufacturing facility in Shacklefords Virginia features metal fabrication, welding, polishing, assembly, and 3d printing.

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